Starwitch centers on the life of Amelia Blackwell, the youngest of a trio of sisters and witches, who started out living on a moon and eventually used magic to launch themselves into space, to escape persecution for their witchcraft and various troublesome political events.
Unfortunately, they eventually encountered the Dead Queen, an ancient undead pirate witch that consumes the magic and lives of other witches, to extend her own existence.
The series begins with Amelia aboard her magic light sail ship, Starwitch, just a few days after it was badly damaged and her sisters were kidnapped by the Dead Queen, left with only enough resources to follow the far larger ship.
That was an intentional and cruel choice by the undead witch, because Amelia’s magic was deemed too weak to consume, so she instead left Amelia for dead in the hopes of some sport, something the Dead Queen has done to countless weak witches.
Amelia has just enough resources to attack, but not enough to limp to safety, so unless she gets back either the mythril spell-core of her ship or at least one of her sisters, she’s a dead woman.
Starwitch is currently unpublished, though it will initially be released as an episodic web series. I’m likely to finish the entire novel before releasing anything, so it can be consistent from start to finish.
When it’s ready, it will come in four to five chapter episodes.
Release Schedule and Details
The release schedule hasn’t yet been decided, since the first novel is not finished, but you can check here for updates.
I’ll most likely be posting episodes to Medium, though I may also post to Wattpad, since I already have an account there.
I’m planning to run this project similar to a TV show, with each novel being the equivalent of a season, about ten episodes long.
Only the most current season of the series will be available for free and when a new season is started, I plan to publish the previous season in the form of a novel, but publishing will, of course, have to wait on cover art.
If this project does well, I’m more likely to focus on it and write more material. That could potentially mean up to four seasons per year, because I typically write a novel every three months.